Improving productivity for maximum performance

The need

Today, one of the most popular phrases in the business world is “improving productivity”. Increasing productivity means being able to generate greater results without more people, more resources, more money, more time or more energy. In other words, learning how to do the work so that less energy is required to produce the same results or higher ones by using the same amount of energy. The result is abundance for everyone.

Through a goal- focused approach, this programme helps you plan and produce more without jeopardizing your quality.

Participants will be in a better position to:

  • Direct their energy and efforts towards achieving organisational goals
  • Determine individual goals and establish priorities
  • Effectively plan their time
  • Successfully handle interruptions
  • Tackle procrastination and overcome it

Who should participate:

Managers, Team Leaders, Engineers and Accountants who lead a team or a department and wish to maximize their performance, become more organised and have a professional attitude in achieving their work objectives.

Date, venue, language

Date: 6-7 December 2016, 9:00-17:30, lunch  13:00-14:00.
Venue: PeopleAchieve office, 5 Argyrokastrou, Nicosia
Language: Greek
Programme Director: Aleen Andreou 
:  €320 + VAT per person. The programme has been approved by the HRDA. Enterprises participating with employees who satisfy the HRDA criteria are entitled to the subsidy. The estimated subsidy is €180.


Analytical programme

Day 1


  • Icebreaker and guidelines of the programme
  • Participant’s objectives
  • What do we mean by productivity and why do we need to maximise our performance
  • What are the barriers we need to overcome to reach our maximum performance?
  • Results and discussion of the pre- workshop questionnaire

Goal Setting

  • The importance of goals
  • Locke and Latham Goal setting theory (Clarity, challenge, commitment,  feedback, task complexity)
  • The methodology of SMART and SMARTER goals.
  • Exercise: participants are requested to write five of their goals (short term and long-term). Then, participants will be asked to transform these goals to SMART or SMARTER
  • Practicing smart goals.
  • Benefit Learning to have better quality goals and improving the effectiveness of goals.
  • Latest developments in goals, reasons for not achieving goals (human behaviour nature) and ways to overcome this obstacle

Case study: another day at the office
Benefits from the case study. Participants will identify how John could work on his planning so that he would not only be able to complete all his tasks but produce quality work.
Planning your year, month, week, day.
How and when it is best to plan the day.
When to work on the difficult jobs.
The body rhythms and how to take advantage of them, scheduling meetings, evaluating how much time you actually have, planning for the unexpected, little things that save time.
Handling Elephant Tasks
Taking work home

Identification of the interruptions and where they come from. How they affect our productivity and efficiency as individuals and teams
Self inflicting interruptions – discipline
Learning how to Say “No”
Workshop: Each team investigates one cause of interruption and presents ways to overcome it.
Benefit: participants learn by sharing ideas on how to handle the most common interruptions and time wasters in the workplace.
Presentations and discussion by all participants
The Red/Green time system

Definition of procrastination
Findings and statistics on procrastination
Are you a procrastinator?
What jobs do we avoid doing?
What are the causes and the consequences of procrastination?
Workshop: participants will work in teams to find solutions to overcome procrastination

Effective Meetings
How much a meeting costs?
When is a meeting worth having? The alternatives of meetings
Preparing for a meeting
Case study: Maria’s experience with her boss and his unorganised meetings
Benefit: Participants will be able to identify the elements of an ineffective  meeting
Exercise: Identifying the elements of the Agenda, the chairperson’s role, the meeting ground rules, and the importance of taking minutes.
Benefit: Participants will practice the elements of an effective and productive meeting
The key elements of a successful meeting ( Agenda- chair person- minutes- ground rules)

Day 2

Introduction to Day 2

Review of day one
Icebreaker: The circle of knowledge
What ideas will I implement?
Agenda of day two

Communicating with emails
Advantages and disadvantages of emails - Discussion
When and how should we handle incoming emails
The Golden rules for making your outgoing emails shorter and more effective-  (addressing, subject line, the message text, attachments, signature line, style and confidentiality)

Prioritizing for effectiveness and efficiency

The importance of being organised : To-Do lists, The Time Analysis tool and the conclusions that can be drawn from it
The 4-types of tasks
Defining important tasks and Urgent tasks and the and the analysis of the important vs urgent model by Stephen Covey
Exercise : What are important and urgent tasks
Exercise: What are my priorities?  On an individual level, all participants will complete the important and urgent sheet, in order to be able to classify each task.
Benefit : Evaluating the “Value” of each task and deciding the priority of each task

Effective delegation of jobs
Why delegate
When to Delegate
To Whom Should You Delegate?
Delegating downwards, sideways and upwards
How Should You Delegate?
Keeping Control
The Importance of Full Acceptance

Putting the methodologies into practice. Group Worksho
Each team has to achieve a specific objective in competition with the other teams and within a set time limit. To succeed, each team must use the tools and methodologies on performance, time & workload management that have been presented during the training.
Benefit: Participants have the opportunity to practice the methodology covered during the training programme

Effective Working Environment
The Importance of organising your office and your desk
Out of sight, out of mind
Organising your desk: the three areas: at hand, within reach, out of reach
Mastering Paperwork
Paper is still a necessity. Analysis of the four ways to reduce paperwork
Handling documents, the in/out trays 
The two bin philosophy
Electronic filing, folders
Benefit: How to handle paperwork effectively and reduce the amount of paperwork handled

Review of the Main Messages of the programme
Personal Action Plans
Evaluation forms