WAKE THEM UP - When you present
WAKE THEM UP - When you presentHow is it that highly capable professionals, and leaders in their fields, manage to lull their audiences to sleep?
Often, it is because they do not follow some of the golden guidelines of presenting. If you are presenting in the near future, consider the following to create a powerful impact.
Your audience
Make your presentation of high value to your audience. Bear in mind the following:
-How much does your audience already know about the topic
-What things are of value to your audience. For example if you know that ease of work is of value, then you may want to highlight how your suggestion will make things easier for them.
-What aspects of the topic do they feel positive about? You can start with those and build on that.
-What aspects of the topic do they feel concerned or anxious about. Wherever possible soothe their anxiety, by showing them possible solutions, or comparing the positives with the negatives. To appeal to them you will have to prove that the positives outweigh the negatives
Start with a BANG ,,,
Knowing how your audience thinks, will enable you to create an introduction that will grab their attention. It may be a quote of value to them or an anecdote that is linked to the topic.
…and finishing with a BANG
Also finishing with a bang, is important. It could be a memorable statement that highlights one of the main benefits. Or it may be a passionate call for action that appeals to your audience’s needs. It is important to finish off on a positive note, so make your close at the end of the question and answer session.
Prepare, prepare and prepare
Prepare your thoughts, your slides, your materials and your presentation. You can rehearse with trusted colleagues, friends or family. If all that fails there is of course the mirror.
The room and equipment will also need preparation.
Prepare yourself, by doing a few simple things to relax, like taking a few deep breaths and doing a few shoulder rolls. It is important to feel relaxed, so you can use effective body language and voice. Also greet people personally as they walk into the room. That will relax you and them.
ENJOY the experience
Often the best presentations are made by those who enjoy the experience of convincing a group of people.